CHINA PREMIUM LYCHEE (中国妃子笑/玉荷包荔枝)-1kg

$14.90 $15.90
Key Information

China Premium Lychee - Fei Zi Xiao 妃子笑 and is one of the premium lychees from lychees family, which gets its name from a fascinating story. Fei Zi Xiao is also recognised as The Concubine Smiles. This is because of the emperor of Tang Dynasty, Tang Ming Huang ordered transmit house to transport this perishable fruit fresh from the south of China to the palace in the north for the pleasure of his much-loved concubine, Yang Gui Fei. Therefore, this particular kind of lychee, favored by Yang Gui Fei, is named as “Fei Zi Xiao” because it makes the concubine smile.

Some people might be curious as to why some types of lychee have small seeds? This is because the seed in these types of lychee did not manage to mature, specially bred by farmers and horticulturalists.

Nutrition facts: Great Source of Vitamin-A, Vitamin-C, Vitamin-E, Vitamin-K, Calcium, Copper, Zinc and Iron.

Raw lychee fruit is 69% water, 42% carbohydrates, 1% protein, and contains negligible fat. The raw pulp is rich in vitamin C, having 72 mg per 100 grams – an amount representing 86% of the Daily Value

Health Benefits:

Increases immunity
Protects from free radicals that cause cancers
Increases blood formation
Increases metabolism
Promotes healthy weight loss
Prevents early aging
Prevents high blood pressure
Protects from asthma
Improves cardiovascular health

A 100-gram (3.5-ounce) serving of fresh lychee fruit contains:

66 calories
0.83 grams of protein
0.44 grams of fat
16.5 grams of carbohydrates
1.3 grams of dietary fiber
15.2 grams of sugar
71.5 milligrams of Vitamin C

Country of Origin:

Store in a cool and dry place